Matthew and Daddy. Poor little baby was sick. He had a runny nose, yucky eyes and a temp between 102 and 104 degrees. He still managed to have a good time.

Summer got to play with the big girls all day! She loved it. This is Her with Ali-5. We have a lot of friends named Ali, so we tack the age on to differentiate.

Our July 4th BBQ. We had a great time with our friends.

Matthew loved his turn on the tramp. Yes, I am sure that he was really sick!

I guess T Jay never really stood still to get a picture. He was running around with the "big kids".
I love the baby's overall's! Glad to see him wearing them. Aunt Maggie scores again! WooHoo!
I NEVER look that happy when I am sick! :) I'll take whatever he's taking...
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