We have been out exploring the town and we found this cool dock. It is a huge dock side walk that is probably about a mile and walks along the river and ends by the old downtown area. It is so cute. T Jay was a little apprehensive of being on the dock, but we worked through it.

Whenever I tell T Jay that I am going to take a picture, he puts his foot up on something. I think that in his mind that is "photo stance."

The funny thing about this picture is there is a sign in the window if the store that says, "bite me!" I thought it was funny that you could see that.

The "sidewalk."

Summer was trying to see something that she just couldn't, so T Jay was trying to help her out a little. He is performing his big brother role so well!
TJay seems like the sweetest little boy ever. I can't wait to re-meet him! (Since he was only 2 when I met him the first time and I haven't seen him since, it will be like meeting a new kid I'm sure). Good for you getting out and exploring! I still need to do that here! (And we've been here since May)!
What a beautiful place to live!! Are you enjoying your new house and area? Do you like your ward and the TJay's school?
It looks like you guys live in a great place. Fun to be by the water!
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